Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Inactivity on my part

Well you may have noticed, those of you who swing by and see what I have written, that I have been inactive for a while.

This was down to a few things, firstly CafePress rejected several of my designs at once which put me off a bit. I'm new to the design game and not trained at all so although some of the designs may look simple they have taken me a while to get together. This in itself does not worry me as it is part of the learning curve and I am improving no end each day, but still to feel that time was ultimately wasted as most people won't see the work. That's a little frustrating.

Secondly, there was a lot to do in the home life. Sadly that stuff that gets in the way of what you would like to be doing instead, like decorating the bathroom. So things dried up.

Thirdly and most importantly, my Mac died taking with it my only copy of illustrator and photoshop so there was pretty much an instant embargo right there. This was even worse than you would think, the computer is the centre of our house as we don't watch TV (alien concept I know but that is a different story). SO without a computer life is pretty naff.

But that worldwide garage sale ebay came up trumps with a cheap little Macbook, which has got me up and running again with the benefit I can take it to work and get on with stuff in my dinner hour. Woot!

So first job is a piece of freelance design (unpaid) for a local amateur dramatics club. Portfolio stuff.

I reckon when I get the hang of illustrator and photoshop I am going to start doing cheap freelance work. Business cards for people who use Vistaprint and that kind of thing.

See if I can set up a little sideline.

So thanks for hanging in there, there'll be new stuff happening shortly.